This was “The Community Managers Weekly Chat VOL. 6”

Hi everyone and happy Friday! Thanks again to everyone who participated yesterday, so great to see a “room” with such a wide range of coworking communities! Loved it! A quick summary of our chat and what we discussed:
- As there was a lot of new comers, we took a different approach to this week call. Everyone introduced himself and talked about the situation in her/his respective country and space.
- Overall, some of you start noticing members are “tired” to engage only online and miss the physical space.
- Our conversation was very much structured around the post COVID-19 “era” if we can call it that and what everyone is planning to do over the next few months. Some of the highlights of our conversation:
- Interior Design / How will spaces need to be “revamped” / “reorganized” if we do need to put each desk about 1,5 to 2 meters away from each other? - Someone in the group said that for the time being, they will be using the event rooms (who are not in demand right now) they have as a workspace.
- Memberships / What memberships will become popular over the next few weeks. As I was sharing with everyone, I started to read the press in countries where the pandemic is somehow “contained” (eg. China and Taiwan, thanks to Google Translate) and found interesting articles pointing out an increase of popularity for fix desks and a big decline in flex desks.
Check out this article (in English) from Taipei Times: Another one from Forbes about why coworking will thrive after COVID-19: ➡️
- Community / How will the community change post COVID-19 is also something we discussed. Here the point was to understand what will members expect from the space. Daniela shared her screen and presented the survey she launched about 3 weeks ago, with very interesting insights about perception/usage of coworking during and post COVID-19. She will share the results in the group next week :) (Thanks again SO much for that Daniela!)
I also wanted to shared an insight John from tuesday coworking sent me (as he could not attend the call). His space (In Berlin) re-opened this week, here is what he shared:
If there is something I forgot, please do not hesitate to comment below :) Thanks again to Yoshio, Teelke, Amanda, Catarina, Tomokazu, Méghan, Deeksha, Sara, Daniela, Arti for attending, see you all next week!